Guys, today is World TB Day and Lancet Laboratories are doing something pretty rad – for every 5 people that tweet the hash tag #WorldTBDay, they will donate one free sputum ZN test (TB Test) to someone who can’t afford it.
To better explain the campaign here’s a video that features a sketch artist pumping out some pretty amazing drawings in stop motion with a catchy, contemporary acoustic guitar track in the background.
I say let’s take this shit to a whole other level. I say let’s all of us nail that hash tag on Twitter at least five times today and heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying. But if you care enough for the living. Make it a better place for you and for me.
You and for me.
Yoouuuu aaannnddd for meeeeeeeee.
Thank you.
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