Check it out guys! Fucking, FINALLY!
I’m pretty excited about this even though all my content imported like total shit (all YouTube windows have reverted to non-clickable links, I’ve lost over 50 posts and all the songs I embedded to stream are gone daddy gone) because it’s the first step in finally giving this site a much needed make-over.
It might still look like the rusted old junkheap of a spaceship it always used to be, but you just wait.
Given time (and people willing to work for meatballs) we’ll clean up this new ship and get her up to warp speed before you can say “the Klingons are attacking Uranus!â€

Thanks for making the long trek over here though, if you have any suggestions how I can p1mp this puppy out to the max now that I’m hosting it myself, lemme know.
In the meantime, let’s try embed a song and see if we can get it to stream off the site.
I’m always blathering on about it but I realised the other day that I’ve never shared my favourite Kinks song with you guys.
This little number’s called “Wonderboy†and I find it strangely fitting to ring in a new chapter of the epic tale that is The Ballad Of SlickTiger.