
Let The Good Times Roll

220px-1859-Martinique.webThings have been quiet here at Tiger HQ as you may have noticed over the past few days, but it’s nothing to freak out about, I haven’t lost my blogging mojo, I’m just on holiday, being a lazy ass.

Christmas was awesome, spent it with J-Rab’s family soaking up the sun by the pool and stuffing our faces with more food than you can shake a stick at.

Otherwise I’ve been taking it super easy-breezy, reading, drinking and writing. Actually managed to bang a short screenplay out for the Jameson / Kevin Spacey competition and entered it. If I win, Kevin Spacey will produce and act in my short movie!

But that’s not why I’m writing this.

I’m writing this to wish all you crazy kids a fucking sick New Years because I don’t think I’ll have any time tomorrow to bang something out before the festivities kick in.

It’s been a trying year, but then again, aren’t they all?

I don’t mean that in a bad way. The human spirit is like a muscle, it needs to be tested, torn up once in awhile, stretched to its limits in order for it to grow and strengthen.



I wouldn’t wish easy years on my worst enemy. I wouldn’t wish hellish years either, but somewhere between the two is where you’ll strike the balance needed to grow your spirit without getting it crushed.

When all is said and done, I hope 2011 was a good year for you. High five for making it out alive.

2012 could very well bring about the end of the world if the Mayans are right so we gotta make the most of every fucking second of it.

Next year we fight tooth and nail for the things we want and we don’t fucking back down for anyone or anything.

Fight on, and when life knocks you down, get the fuck back up and headbutt it in the face.



I leave you with these words, my parting gift for 2011:


To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

– e. e. cummings


Happy New Year Winking smile


1 Response to “Let The Good Times Roll”

  1. 1 1/2a-rent
    December 30, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    Well done finishing the script and submitting on time. Hope Kevin likes it!

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