
“Golden Balls” Gameshow Clip Proves That Humans Are Slimy Pieces Of Shit

tn_Capture4When they’re done well, gameshows and reality TV shows can provide some pretty unique insights into human behaviour that we probably would never be exposed to otherwise.

The thing that really gets me though is that the people on these shows do these truly despicable things in full view of millions and millions of total strangers who will only ever remember them as slimy pieces of shit.

The less I say about the clip you’re about to see, the better. I want you guys to go into this as blind as I did because wow some people are the slimiest pieces of shit you can ever imagine.




How fucked up was that?!

Yoh, I nearly fell off my fucking chair. What a slimey piece of shit, siff man!

Anyway, hope you have a killer Thursday, the end of the week is nigh, just hang in there everything’s gonna be alright.


2 Responses to ““Golden Balls” Gameshow Clip Proves That Humans Are Slimy Pieces Of Shit”

  1. 1 Tam
    July 4, 2013 at 11:57 am

    Yup. I’d use the c word around about now.

  2. 2 dp
    July 4, 2013 at 6:22 pm

    Think i just vommed in my mouth…

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