Archive for February, 2014


How Wolves Change Rivers

wild-wolf-super-hd-2-0-s-307x512Variety is the spice of life boys and girls and that’s why here on Them’s Fightin’ Words we like to mix all kinds of weird stuffs together with absolutely no rhyme or reason other than the fact that I feel like it.

This next video is pretty damn amazing though. I know I don’t normally post wildlife videos but this one really stood out above the rest because it documents how wolves change rivers.

That’s right, wolves have hidden, river-changing SUPERPOWERS that nobody knows about except you, me, and the interwebs. If you can handle the trying-very-hard-to-be-Richard-Attenborough narration and have even the vaguest interest in wildlife, this video will blow your mind.

Check it:



Yet ANOTHER reason to buy the shirt I’ve always wanted:



They still aren’t as cool as tigers though Winking smile



Is The Wii U The Worst Console To Ever Be Designed Ever? (Part 2, The Final Part)

skyward-sword-failIf you missed Part 1 of my personal experience with Nintendo’s newest console, click here for the lowdown. I ended that part by asking a few pressing questions about this console that have been bothering me.

Those questions were: Why is the Wii U so crap? How did Nintendo manage to fail so dismally after getting it so right with the Wii? What does the future hold for Nintendo now that the Wii U has tanked?

In answering these questions I actually got off my lazy ass for a change and did some reading up about the Wii U and here’s what I found.

The most telling article I read was published on and is entitled “The Secret Developers: Wii U – The inside story”

It’s a helluva long but interesting read and gives some scary insights as to why the Wii U turned out the way it did. It’s brilliantly written by an anonymous third party developer and is a must-read if you’ve got 20mins to spare.

To begin with, when Nintendo first started pitching the Wii U to developers, they said their goal was to build a console that was the same size as the Wii and wouldn’t make much noise so that “mum wouldn’t mind having it in the living room.”



This is a problem because, as the article explains, to make the hardware quiet you need to have minimal fan noise. Minimal fan noise means cooling is limited. Limited cooling means you have to keep the clock speed on the Wii U’s CPU low and, you guessed it, low clock speeds mean poor overall performance when trying to run next gen games.

What Nintendo ended up building is a console that sits uncomfortably between the past generation of consoles (ie the PS3 and Xbox 360) and the new one (PS4 and Xbox One).

I say “uncomfortably” because the Wii U is only marginally better than the previous generation of consoles. The new generation of consoles leave the Wii U so far behind they lapped it before it even had a chance to start the race.

Here are some numbers:

Now Nintendo is in some seriously stormy weather because third party developers are jumping ship like there’s no tomorrow.



The reason why is simple. It costs too much to develop games that are compatible with the Wii U. The developer who wrote the piece I referenced above said by the time his studio had finished reworking one of their titles so that it could run on the Wii U, it had cost them so much time and money that it honestly wasn’t worth the effort.

This means that while the PS4 and Xbox One blaze a trail into the future of gaming and as the games that developers write for those consoles become more and more intense, the likelihood of them making Wii U versions of those games is exactly zero.

I think the fuck up on Nintendo’s part was their reliance on the assumption that the Wii U would do for gaming what the original Wii did when it was launched.

The Wii’s graphics were a long way behind the PS3 and Xbox 360 when the Wii was launched, but that didn’t matter. The innovative control system that relied more on motion than it did on physical buttons proved a massive hit with the casual gamer market and perhaps even defined this important audience.



The Wii U on the other hand comes with a controller that looks like the bastard child of a Sega Game Gear and a typical X Box / PS controller. To a casual gamer the controller will feel nothing like the original Wii and to hardcore gamers the controller will feel too gimmicky and cheap for them to ever take it seriously.

I mean it comes with a fucking stylus fer chrissake. A stylus! Who the fuck has time for that?!



Sure, you can buy a Wii remote (as long as it’s a Wii Plus remote) and nunchuck for an additional R800-odd and use the Wii U like a Wii but personally I see this as a gigantic waste of money.

So the audience that Nintendo so expertly marketed to with the Wii was completely forgotten with the Wii U.

Worse than that, the marketing of the Wii U was so bad that in most instances, consumers thought it was just an add-on to the Wii instead of the next generation console it’s supposed to be.

It’s even come under fire for its ridiculous name. They went with “Wii U” to show that not only can “we” all play on it, but so can “you” just sitting there by yourself wandering why the fuck you bought this ridiculous console.



Lastly, the Wii U has no extras. It can’t play BluRay discs, it’s not a media hub and though you can use it to browse the internet, you’d get more joy out of eating glass.

Sure, the games that Nintendo itself has developed for the Wii U (the new generation of Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong titles for example) are all brilliant and a lot of fun to play. I say this having bought only two games since getting the console six months ago – The Cave and Super Mario 3D World.

Super Mario 3D World truly is fun and looks amazing in HD graphics and I’ve read good reviews about some of the other titles that have been released for the Wii U, but sadly the general consensus is that this console is a giant mistake on Nintendo’s part.

So what next for Nintendo? Will this dramatic decline in sales force Nintendo out of the console wars for good?



The simple answer is “no”. Nintendo is totally fine. I read in one piece that the company has enough money to stand losses like the one it’s currently suffering for the next 20 – 30 YEARS!

In the greater scheme of things, this won’t hurt Nintendo at all. What concerns me more is what the hell I’m going to do with this piece-of-shite console that’s now just acting as a giant paper-weight in my living room.

I’m secretly hoping that indy game developers will see the potential that this console could offer them if used correctly and will start releasing some cult classics to tide us over until the next Nintendo console is released.

In the meantime, unless you’re a die-hard Mario / Donkey Kong / Zelda / Super Smash Brothers / Metroid / Mario Kart fan I would not recommend buying this console.

Which is the long way of saying “Kids, don’t do what Tiger Don’t does” Winking smile



Miley Cyrus’ Best And Worst Covers

MileyWith ol’ Miley paying so much attention to developing her “aesthetic” it’s pretty easy to forget the fact that behind all the sticky-outy tongue action and attention-gabbing twerking, the girl can sing.

Well, sometimes… I stumbled on a video of her covering Outkast’s “Hey Ya” and decided to dig a little deeper for more covers she’s done as I remember seeing something about her covering Arctic Monkeys recently.

The result was equal parts mesmerising and horrifying. The mesmerising part is how many different tones she can sing in. The horrifying part is how she chooses to use them and the fact that she once tried to cover Nirvana.

So from best to worst, here is Miley Cyrus being simultaneously amazing and godawful.

Her best is definitely the cover she did of Lana Del Ray’s “Summertime Sadness”.

Check it:



Very powerful cover. She plays it 80% Lana, 20% Miley and does both parts exceptionally well. Notice how insane her delivery is? It’s pretty much spot on throughout.

Then there’s this cover she did awhile back when it looked like she was toying with the idea of going the hipster-folky route instead of the half-shaved head weirdo route she ended up opting for.

A pity. I kinda liked this look in a homely go-make-me-a-sammich kinda way.



Again, her vocal delivery is perfect. If you closed your eyes (and didn’t know it was her) it would be damn near impossible to guess who sings this song.

Dolly would be proud. Billy Ray too.

Then there’s this cover of Arctic Monkeys’ “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” in which she reminded me why I stopped headbashing when I was 22.



Meh. A little on the average side. I’m willing to forgive it because of the way she belts out the last chorous, girls got a pair of lungs on her, that’s for sure.

So far so good.

Then there’s this…



Christ. You feel that?

Kurt Cobain turning in his grave.



Escape Monday: By Being Admitted To A Lunatic Asylum

Portrait_of_a_patient_from_Surrey_County_Asylum,_no._3_(8407139555)I can honestly not think of anything more terrifying than being admitted to a lunatic asylum, except maybe one in the 1800s. Rewind time by 200 years or so and the day-to-day happenings in loony bins was the stuff of nightmares.

A bad combination of a lack of knowledge and empathy when it came to treating people with mental disorders coupled with barbaric medical practises lead to some of the pictures you are about to see.

You can find more at So Bad So Good if morbid curiosity gets the better of you. Otherwise check out the ones I’ve posted below to remind you that there are worse things than being back at work today.












That last image in particular left me feeling very spooked. I did some searching online and found Rhoda’s story here:

Some filmmakers tried to raise money to make a documentary about her a few years back but it doesn’t look like they were successful.

She looks the way she does in that picture because she was deemed a hazard to herself and others due to the violent outbursts she used to have and was subsequently locked in a wooden box covered in canvas for forty years.

Her story ends well though as she was rescued and rehabilitated in 1904 by a Dr. George Zeller. He admitted her to the asylum he ran, the Peoria Hospital for the Incurably Insane, where she began to show “improvement to her mental health and made great progress in her condition.”

At the height of her delirium though, she kept claiming that she could see the devil. She called him “Old Scratch” and eventually blinded herself to make the visions of him stop.


Um, I have no idea how this got so intense. Let’s just all go back to work then shall we?



Weekend Playlist – Tunes To KLAP To

marko_savolainenIf you think the music that plays in the gym is pretty schweet then I got some bad knews for you pal – you are flippn RETARDED! FULL REATARD! The doffest of the lot boedie.

Gym music in most gyms is crehated to STOP you from going into full on BEAST MODE because if every charna in a gym went into FULL ON BEAST MODE AT THE SAME TIME, the whole flippin place would EXPLODE!

So they play lekker moffie kak like Katie Parrow and flippin Brittany Spies. That kak will NEVER get a oke MASSIVE AND RIPPED. That’s where your buddy ol’ pel Slicky-T comes into the thing.

These tunes, or shall I say CHOONS, will turn a normal skinny-jean pant wearing, green tea drinking, fixed bicycle riding mof into a GYM MONSTER, eating weights for breakfast lunch and supper, banging the belters like his flippin LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.

Put your headphones on, turn the volume to 150% and show your flippin eardrums WHOSE BOSS!


Music To Lift To from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


How was that hey? You still with me? How many charnas have you just murdered because of that mix?

Flip oke, me too. Me too Winking smile

Have a lekker weekend my boychays and belters!

-Papa Slick


Is The Wii U The Worst Console To Ever Be Designed Ever? (Part 1)

black1In my 30 years of existence, I have owned exactly one console which is a bizarre fact for someone who has gamed since he was six years old. Oh wait, I lie. I owned a Game Boy back in the day, does that count?

For the most part I was a PC gamer in my youth and teenage years though I sank countless hours into my friends’ Golden Chinas, SNESes, Playstations and Playstation 2s whenever the opportunity arose.

At the ripe old age of 29 I finally decided to buy my very own console and what did I go with? Did I pre-order a PS4 or X-Box One? No, I bought history’s worst thought-out, named and marketed console, the Wii U.

I did it at the spur of the moment because my buddy Graum called me up and said Toys R Us were running a special launch promotion where they were selling a limited amount of Wii Us at select stores for the ridiculous price of R1 000.

When they launched, the consoles cost somewhere between R3 500 and R4 000 (no idea what they are now) so getting one for R1k was a total bargain.



We planned our attack meticulously, anticipating hordes of slavering geeks queuing outside the Toys R Us at Canal Walk overnight in anticipation of the launch of this “game changing” console. When Graum and I lived together he had a Wii and we played the shit out of that thing, it was a dynamite little console.

So logic dictated that the Wii U would be even better right?

The night before launch I carefully studied a floor map of Canal Walk to find the entrance closest to Toys R Us so that the minute the doors opened we could sprint towards the store and hopefully get close enough to the front that we could each buy one of the 12-odd consoles they had left for R1k.

By 5am on the dot, we had parked and were at Canal Walk. Turns out the entrance I found never actually closes so we just walked straight in and a minute later found ourselves in front of the Toys R Us, the only two dumbasses in the place.



Still though, we were stoked. It sounds like the dorkiest mission you could ever imagine but it was actually pretty fun. Half an hour later other people started arriving and by the time 7 rolled around there were at least 20 people queuing outside the store.

The store manager, who I would place in her late 50s / early 60s wasted no time in cracking all kinds of jokes along the lines of “Do your parents know you’re here?” and “Are you sure you’ve got enough pocket money to afford this?” and “Are mom and dad waiting in the car for you?”

Which I thought was a bit rich considering she was the one working in a goddamn toy store for a living but that’s probably exactly why she was taking such sick pleasure in ripping us all off.

The store eventually opened at 8 and within minutes, Graum and I were both proud owners of shiny new Wii Us.



I considered pulling a sicky for the rest of the day and just curling up under some blankets to play Nintendo Land, the game that comes standard with Wii Us, but my guilt got the best of me and I ended up going to work.

Back at home that night I gleefully plugged the console in and fired it up. It went through the usual rigmarole of connecting to my WiFi, updating, asking me to create a Mii character, etc, etc.

So far so good. Then I started playing Nintendo Land, a collection of cutesy, adorable little games that feel like they were designed for 6 year-old kids. In total I think I’ve spent 4 hours playing Nintendo Land, if that much.

I ventured into the online Nintendo eStore to check out what additional games they had there and found some pretty cool looking ones, only problem is the good ones were the same price you’d get them in store (upwards of R550).

There were some old Nintendo classics also for sale in the eStore starting at R50 but I didn’t feel like playing any of them. Instead I bought The Cave, a kind of puzzle game by the team who used to work on Lucas Arts games like Monkey Island, Day Of The Tentacle and Grim Fandango.



The game was ok. I played it for about 2 weekends and then I let the Wii U collect dust for the next 5 months, all the time promising myself I would get rid of it on Gumtree and try turn a profit before the rest of the world realised how horribly crap this console is.

But why exactly is the Wii U so crap? How did Nintendo manage to fail so dismally after getting it so right with the Wii? What will the future bring for Nintendo now that they have very clearly lost the current console war before it’s even really started?

All these questions and more I’ll answer in “Is The Wii U The Worst Console To Ever Be Designed Ever? (Part 2).

Laters yo.



Tuesday LOLZ…? Featuring News Bombs And Meshuggah Faces

Meshuggah faceThis is a bit unorthodox I know, but I had to share these two videos with you guys, one of which was sent to me by my main man DJ Luke and the other from a regular contributor to this site, Civilian.

I’ve said it before, but news bloopers / autotuned news reports / news bombs all definitely rate right up there for me in terms of online content that cracks me up every time.

Then there’s the vid Civilian sent, which probably makes more sense if you’ve seen Wolf Of Wallstreet but is still pretty damn hilarious even if you haven’t. Gotta love death metal, the soundtrack of sexually frustrated people the world over.



Crass I know, but still funny.

Now onto Leo like you’ve never seen him.




As you were…



Escape Monday: Insane Things Google Earth Has Found

rainbow-planeI was trawling the interwebs as I normally do for cool Escape Monday stuffs last night and swung by Twisted Sifter where I found a post about the 50 amazing finds on Google Earth.

I then chose my favourites from that bunch to repost for you guys below. The best thing about all these images is that they come with the co-ordinates where you can actually find them.

A LOT of weird shit going on in the Nevada Desert, that’s all I can say. It’s definitely a place I’d love to visit one day because yeah, it’s basically just a giant landing pad for UFOs from what I can tell…

Just goes to show, there are no secrets in today’s world anymore. Whatever you do is being watched and monitored all the time.


















Crazy world we live in hey Party People?

Good luck out there today.

Fuck I hate Mondays.



A Story For Valentine’s Day

Fire-Heart-Wallpaper-HD1There’s a story I’ve been meaning to share with you guys for some time now and it being Valentine’s Day and all, I figure now’s as good a time as any.

Two days before J-Rab was scheduled to go in for her caesar, we decided to drive out to Stellenbosch and go back to where our life in Cape Town first started.

We were like two star-crossed salmon, swimming fin-in-fin back upstream to where it all began. It was early spring and the sun was beaming down on us as we rolled out the city, skyscrapers and ocean fading to mountains and vineyards.

It’s a different world on Stellenbosch side, the air tastes fresh, mountain air. You imagine it floating down from somewhere snowy and clean and pure.

We drove back to Eikendal farm where we used to live rent-free in this wooden shack with a thatch roof. It was the type of place you’d call “rustic” and you’d imagine yourself living there in the middle of the wine farm and you’d think “Damn, I want this life” because in your mind you’d be sitting on the wooden balcony upstairs sipping an icy Chardonnay and watching the blazing sun burn the sky orange and red as it set over the tranquil horizon.

The reality was that the house was overrun with rats, Spotted Eagle Owls kept us up all night hooting on the roof, Egyptian Geese chimed in every morning at about 5am on the dot and Anatolian Sheep Dogs barked continuously from the pens behind the house.

When it rained, water poured down the walls. When the wind blew it came through the gaps in the walls. When the sun shon, the house turned into an oven. The thatch played havoc with J-Rab’s allergies and acted as a giant nest for every kind of creepy crawly imaginable.

But there were good times as well. It was home to where our new life in Cape Town began, it was a fresh beginning for us at a time that we needed it badly.

So we went back there to visit that crazy little “shit shack” and relive some of those early memories only to find… nothing.

Turns out one of the dams on the farm had burst and the ensuing mudslide had obliterated the shit shack completely. Here I am posing on the empty spot where we used to live:



It felt fitting somehow. It’s nice to walk away from a place with absolutely no regrets and to be able to leave the past right there in your mind where it slowly fades and blurs and becomes softer with time.

We left Eikendal and headed for Jonkershoek Nature Reserve which we visited once years ago when we still lived in Stellies. The plan was to find a perfect little spot, lay out a picnic blanket, eat some Woolies sarmies and drink in the beautiful surroundings.

So we struck out up this path that ran parallel to a pine forest which I wasn’t sure was a good idea as J-Rab was basically 9 months pregnant and the path was getting steeper and further away from civilisation with every step.

“I’m going to go on ahead and see where this actually goes,” I eventually said, “because if you suddenly go into labour, we need to be somewhere I can deliver the baby safely without being attacked by bears or something…”

J-Rab agreed to hang back while I jogged up the rutted, dusty path, scanning our surroundings all the while for this ideal spot to eat our sammies.

To my right through some dense vegetation I could hear a river flowing which conjured mental images of wide, grassy banks, weeping willows and a comfortable spot to spend the afternoon in the dappled shade.

I turned down the path to jog back to J-Rab and bounce this idea off her only to find that she’d gotten bored of waiting and had already covered half the distance between me and her.

She was out of breath. My stomach butterflied up.

“You ok?” I asked, “Why’d you come up here?”

“I was bored. Besides, we’re halfway up this path already, might as well go the whole way and see what’s there.”

“Well, sounds like there’s a river to our right, might be a nice spot to lay the blankets down.”

“Ok. How do we get there?” she asked.

We both turned to look at the wild veld between us and where it looked like the river was. The word “impassable” came to mind.

“Shit, I dunno. I guess we’d have to bulldoze our way through that.”

“Fuck it. It’ll be worth it when we get there.”

“Ok,” I said trying to mask my nerves, “you’re right. Fuck it, we’ll find a way.”

A funny thing happens when you wander off the beaten path into dense veld with your 9 months pregnant girlfriend miles away from civilisation and out of cell phone reception – you start to get a little panicky.

Your mind throws out all kinds of bad, unhelpful shit like “Hmmm, don’t snakes like places like these?” and “Wow! Is that leopard shit? Pretty sure that’s leopard shit…”

But we soldiered on, tearing our way through bush so dense you half expected to come across the skeleton of some long-forgotten explorer with his dorky beige hat and ink-drawn map still clutched in his skeletal fingers.

Eventually we got to the river only to find that it was about a foot wide and completely surrounded by even denser undergrowth than what we’d just fought our way through.

“Shit,” I said. “Now what?”

J-Rab surveyed the situation, catching her breath. It was a beautiful shady spot, we’d nailed that part, but as for a wide, expansive grassy bank to lay our blankets and eat our sammies on, we had failed dismally.

“I dunno,” she replied. “But I’m seriously hungry so whatever we do, can we just eat something first?”

“You know what…” I said squashing down some of the undergrowth with my foot, “I reckon if we just pull the sleeping bag out and squash it down right here, we could lie down and it might actually be quite comfortable…”

So that’s what we did. And yeah, if you didn’t mind the odd pokey stick / sharp rock in your back it was super-comfy.

The great part about that spot was that we were so deep in no man’s land you couldn’t see any trace of anyone anywhere. No bakkies hurtling down distant dirt roads, no other hikers missioning along designated trails, nothing.

Just blue skies, endless mountains all around, and us – J-Rab, me and the little girl we had yet to meet.

Before we left the flat I’d grabbed my complete works of Byron as we were heading out the door because chicks dig poetry and I thought it would be romantic to read some to J-Rab after we’d had our lunch.



Believe it or not, back in varsity I actually read the whole of Byron’s epic, unfinished poem “Don Juan”, all 250-odd pages, and I remembered one particularly moving part that takes place in Canto II after Don Juan survives a shipwreck and claws his way to shore. Minutes away from dying, he gets saved and nursed back to health by this beautiful young girl who he falls hopelessly in love with even though they don’t speak the same language.

I figured I’d read the shipwreck part as a build-up to the falling-hopelessly-in-love bit so that J-Rab had some context and she could understand how much this poor guy suffers to find true love.

So I began reading. J-Rab listened intently, which was unusual for her because her attention span for these kinds of things is shorter than Lindsay Lohan’s last sober spell.

After ten minutes, Don Juan and the surviving members of his ship were STILL floating on the lifeboat in the middle of the sea, slowly going mad from hunger and thirst and losing their shit completely as one by one they caved and succumbed to drinking sea water.

Then they decided to snack on this one dude’s spaniel that he rescued from the sinking ship. Then they decided to eat all the leather boots, belts and anything else they could chew and swallow because it had been two weeks and they were shit out of options food-wise.

“What the fuck are you reading me?!” J-Rab eventually asked.

“Don’t worry, it gets better, just bear with me.”


Once they’d snacked on all the leather goods they went all “Dawn of the Dead” on one another and started eating the guys who are dying. Not satisfied, they decided to take things to the next level and ate some of the guys who were still alive.

“Umm… this is pretty fucked up…”

“Yes. Yes, this is very fucked up… I’m just going to skip ahead to the romantic bit if that’s ok?”

“Ya, if you don’t mind…”

I eventually got to the part where he clawed his way to salvation, met the girl of his dreams and was nursed back to health by her but to be perfectly honest, it was a bit meh.

“Hm,” I said. “Don Juan ladies and gentlemen.”

“Awesome,” J-Rab replied.

As I was putting the book in my backpack, I realised that I was waiting for something that would never happen, some perfect moment I’d built up in my head that had grown so big over the years and that I felt so pressured into getting right that in the interim time was ticking by, days were turning into weeks, into months, into years.

In two days we’d be parents.

The time for fucking around with romantic ideals and bullshit poems that you remembered as being so amazing but that were actually about cannibalism was fucking over.

I took the tiny black box out my pocket and kneeling there, with no one around us for miles in that perfect place we made, I asked J-Rab to marry me.



We didn’t stay long after that, partly because we were spooked all the excitement might cause J-Rab to go into full-on labour and partly because as we stood to start packing up, something rustled in the bushes behind us.

Not five metres from where we’d been picnicking, a largish-looking baboon was staring intently at us and wondering why the fuck we were standing between him and the river where he liked to take his afternoon tea.

Again, my mind started throwing out unhelpful shit, only this time the threat of it actually happening was a lot more immediate.

What followed was probably the most hilarious packing-up effort you could ever imagine with J-Rab and I simultaneously trying to pack up as fast as possible without making any sudden movements that might spook our new, already suspicious-looking, friend.

To make matters worse, we very quickly realised he wasn’t alone. He’d come with what they teach you when you’re learning collective nouns is known as “a troop”.

Believe it or not, things got even worse once we actually started moving because the troop leader (who was about the size of a very stocky pre-pubescent rugby player) decided it would be a good idea to bark at us just in case we didn’t get the message that any minute now he and his cronies were going to seriously fuck up our day.

The flood of relief once we’d finally made it back to the path was such a rush J-Rab and I burst out laughing because only the two of us could ever end up in a situation where our big moment was secretly being watched by a troop of thirsty baboons.



That’s my story for Valentine’s Day.

Real love is real. It hikes up mountains when it’s pregnant, it squashes whatever’s in its way to make a place for itself, it realises that romance is a nice ideal but that real life is where it truly blossoms.

And sometimes, it has baboons Winking smile



Mental Note: Do NOT Confuse Samuel L Jackson With Laurence Fishburne. Ever.

Fishburne JacksonThis is an important lesson in doing your fucking research boys and girls, and it’s an important one to remember if you hang out in the kind of circles I do where running into A-list celebs is a daily occurrence.

Whatever happens, DO NOT CONFUSE SAMUEL L WITH LAURENCE FISHBURNE. And if you do, you’d better make damn sure it isn’t on live TV because holy shit, my man Samuel will tear you a new one.

And rightly so. I mean this is Samuel L we are talking about here, a guy who has become notorious for playing slick-talking badass black characters for over 20 fucking years.

You do not fuck with Samuel L Jackson. You do not fuck with this man!

Because if you do, this happens:



The problem I have with this clip is not necessarily the fact that the guy confused Samuel L with Laurence Fishburne (though that’s a MAJOR fuck up) but that he recovered from that blunder so badly.

I mean fer chrissake! Own it you spineless nincompoop! Stop trying to bulldoze your way through your blunder by trying incessantly to get in a question about Robocop.

People make mistakes, if this guy had done a better job of owning it instead of conceding that he needs a “spanking” this clip would probably have never ended up here in the first place.

Can we get a slow clap going here?