Posts Tagged ‘drippy castle


Escape Monday: Beaches Of Every Imaginable Colour

Pfeiffer-State-Beach-purple-sand-on-Big-SurIf you live in Cape Town, congratulations for braving the rainiest weekend we’ve had this year. How insane was that shit?! At one stage we were even getting pelted by hail, it was nuts.

Weird how quickly you forget that it was ever summer. The thought of going to the beach is the furthest thing from my mind right now, so I thought I’d spread a little cheer by posting these pics.

Turns out beach sand doesn’t just come in stock-standard yellow. What you’re about to see are pics of white, pink, black and even green beaches to help you kill those winter blues and escape the hell out of Monday.

















Feel any warmer?

Me neither. Back to work ya lazy bum Winking smile