Posts Tagged ‘goalie goalie


Lose Your Mind Friday

Yucko_the_ClownToday we work hard at losing our minds.

Because life is like a gigantic juggling act that never fucking ends. As you get older you take on more and more responsibility and each new responsibility is like a new ball to juggle.

Sometimes if you listen carefully you can almost hear the crowd chanting “Dance monkey dance!” while the organ grinder does his thing in the corner and the drugs they fed the lions kick in.

Sometimes it’s healthy to lose your mind. Drop all the balls and go nuts like my new Russian friends in the following fucking amazing music video…



Can you guys handle that?! I’ll give you a minute. Sometimes people just do things that are so fucking cool you have to take a minute to let it all sink in.

“Goalie goalie!”

The dude with the black eye is my favourite.

Have a killer weekend party people! Catch you on the flip flop Winking smile