Posts Tagged ‘holy taco


Lego Porn

I got nothing today. So here’s some Lego porn.







Thank you Holy Taco.

Aaaaaaand, we’re done here.



Do Fuck All Friday

As your lawyer, I strongly advise against doing anything productive today.

You’ve worked like a dog all week so give yourself a pat on the back, kick back and do absolutely nothing. I mean it’s Friday fer chrissake!

Plus, I’ll be working hard enough for the both of us today so don’t worry, if your boss kaks you out, just tell him SlickTiger has it covered and send him a link to this post.

And so, to begin the slacking, I present to you my good friend Michelle Baker.



What do you reckon? Five out of ten? Four? I think five is fair Winking smile

You can see more of Michelle over at Holy Taco, the perfect place to dick around, watch funny videos and begin what is going to be an awesome day doing jack shit.

Make me proud guys.

Have a killer weekend, see you at the Met.



Holy Taco Friday

You guys are fucking cool.

You are my invisible friends, and you are fucking cool. No, no, don’t downplay it, be PROUD of that shit. If I say you’re fucking cool, then it’s gospel truth. Hallelujah brothers and sisters!

Let’s sing kumbaya.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, I don’t have too much so say on this beautiful Friday in Cape Town. Truth be told I’m counting the minutes until the long weekend lands.

What are your plans? I’m going to Pringle Bay to get sunburn! And drunk! It’s going to be flippin sweet 😉

So anyway, there’s this site called that is pretty damn incredible because it’s stacked FULL of hot mamasitas and so, because you guys are so fucking cool, the rest of this post is just going to be smoking hot pictures I’ve ‘borrowed’ from Holy Taco.

Women are beautiful creatures. Let’s celebrate that fact this long weekend, and on Monday, let’s send those pictures to SlickTiger.

Group hug.






Have a killer long weekend everyone! I’m going to try post, but there’s a better than average chance I’ll say fuck it and go lie on the beach instead.

Until next time 😉