Here on SlickTiger we’ve been known to celebrate some BUFF CHARNAS from time to time.
Ous like PAUL MAIN MAN, who is kak at installing ASDL lines in your office, but great at spading the BELTERS who work there and ANTON TAYLOR, who is a LEGENDARY OKE and also the International Man Of Movember.
But there’s a group of okes who doesn’t feature on this site. A group of okes so BUFF they can saw trees down with their BARE HANDS! Charnas who don’t shave! They just knock the stubble back through their cheeks with a hammer, pull the beard hair out with their teeth and then spit it on the GROUND!
That’s right! I’m talking about the MASSIVE AND RIPPED FEARLESS OKES who risk their lives EVERY DAY to make LAUGH IT OFF T-SHIRTS!

You think just a ordinary oke can make T-Shirts like that?! Kak man! You gotta be flippin OFF THE CHAIN BUFF to come up with the shirts those okes do and even BUFFER to survive the court cases that kak okes try and sue you with when you upset there brands.
So you better believe when MONSTER OKES like them get together and make a festival, it’s not just gonna be any ordinary kak thing.
Are you sitting down for what I’m gonna tell you? Hey?! Don’t be a chophead, SIDDOWN MAN!
That’s better. Now. What I was saying again? Oh ja…
On the Saturday the 14th April and the Sunday the 15th April you better not have any plans cause for the first time in South Africa EVER, Laugh It Off and STIHL are going to do a LUMBERJACK FESTIVAL at LIEVLAND wine farm (by Stellies) that’s gonna make you KAK YOUR PANTS!

It’s gonna be everything from fun runs to live music and the BEST PART is the LUMBER GAMES.
There’s gonna be flippin TREE CLIMBING, flippin Stock Saw, flippin’ JACK AND JILL CROSSCUT SAW, flippin LOG HURLING and even flippin AXE THROWING!
You can klap a GIANT TREE SWING, a MONSTER WATER SLIDE, a PEDAL BOAT RACING and the buffest of them all, TREE PLANTING! Because, you know, nature is dying of carbon gasses and needs our help and stuff…
Don’t be a doos and not go to this festival because you’re scared of getting a little flippin splinter or a axe thrown in your head or something.
Put your flippin FLANEGAN shirt on, grow some flippin BALLS and go have a jol.
Every oke who I don’t see there is gonna catch a KLAP from the Tiger, so you’ve been warned! and bring some BELTERS. BELTERS love okes who cut down trees and shit.
Check the invite:

See you TUFF OUS there!