Posts Tagged ‘news reporter fails 2012


Super Escape Monday: Laughter Will Save Us

tumblr_m0rcp2C7zV1qam8b5o1_400Dunno about you guys but holy fuckballs I’m depressed today. Back at the grind, back sitting slumped in front of a laptop from 8.30 – 5.30, Christmas and New Year a distant memory, nothing to look forward to but more indentured servitude.

I had a flippin badass holiday though, stayed right here in the Mother City and did a whole lot of nothing. I hope you guys had a killer holiday too, you deserved one because you are motherflippin’ awesome.

So anyway, to chase the post-holiday blues away I found a whole bunch of funny stuffs to make ya’ll LOLSHYSYPOTSY*!

So let’s kick it off with this gem of a video. Sorry if you’ve seen this one already, it’s the best news reporter fails of 2012.



Moving right along, here’s some random funny shit courtesy of one of my all-time favourite sites, Fuck Yeah Dementia!











And now for something completely different: goats.












Feeling any better? Little bit? Then my job here is done.

See ya’ll tomorrow for more back to work badassery Winking smile