A lot of people out there love U2 and I can’t say I blame them. They wrote some killer, killer stuff back in the day and Bono does all kinds of stuff to save the planet which is a lot more than you can say for most bands who seem content to blow all their money on holiday houses, yachts, prozzies and, well, huge piles of blow.
So hats off to U2, they’re a great band. Not so sure about the whole Spiderman musical thing happening on broadway right now, but yeah I’m not judging until someone swings me some free tickets to check it out, which should be any day now.

Speaking of free tickets, how radass is this: from Monday next week you best follow @947Highveld on Twitter (#U2Highveld) or check for updates on their Facebook page because a mobile stage is going to be driving around Gauteng, popping up daily in different locations until Friday and if you get your ass ON that stage and sing your favourite U2 song, you could win tickets to the show.
There’s even a YouTube channel to watch everyone’s heartfelt attempts at getting their Bono on (http://www.youtube.com/user/947highveldstereo.) which is guaranteed for at least a couple of laughs while you’re at work.
What’s even more flippin whoresome is the fact that this gig, this very U2 gig in good ‘ol Saffrica, is going to be the BIGGEST CONCERT U2 HAVE EVER PLAYED!
Soccer City’s current capacity is roughly 100 000 and the biggest crowd the band’s played to thus far was 96 000 in California. Can I get a fuck yeah? Bono?

Thank you.
I think you want to be a part of that. I think it’s about time you turned all those hours you spent singing “The Streets Have No Name†in the shower or “One†while you were heartbroken on karaoke night at the local pub to good use.
WIN those tickets! Show ‘em who’s boss! And when you’re up there, belting out “Sunday Bloody Sunday†on the Highveld portable stage with everything you got, be sure to tell ‘em who sent ya
Go forth my children. Make papa proud.