Posts Tagged ‘vice magazine


Vice Magazine Finds The Real Walter White

The Real WWSheeit, I might as well just call this the Breaking Bad fansite. I hardly post for three weeks and then it’s BreakingBadBreakingBadBreakingBad until your eyeballs are bleeding all over your keyboard.

But this video needs to be watched by you right now. It’s the story of the real Walter White – an actual meth cook who became a drug kingpin in the early 2000s before he was taken down by the fuzz.

It’s a helluva lot less glamorous than the show. For starters, all he did was cook the meth, leave it at random collection points and then go back the next day to collect a big fat wad of cash.

Seems like a nice enough guy though. Unlike Walt from the series, the real life WW became a full-on junkie though and is currently awaiting trial that could end in a life sentence in prison.

Check it:



Judging from his teeth and that gross thing growing next to his nose in some of those shots, this guy was definitely a meth addict, but was he the real life Walter White?

I’m a little sceptical. I seriously doubt his operation was anywhere near the scale of Walt’s in the series, but something tells me that real-life meth cooks are more like Badger and Skinny Pete than Mr White.




Vice Magazine Gets Its Own HBO Show

nettie-r-harris-x-ryan-mcginley-vice-magazineIt’s no secret that Vice Magazine is basically one of the last bastions of awesome, gonzo-styled journalism left on the face of the planet.

I mean holy shit, did you guys watch the video of the Vice journalist who takes acid and goes to the dog show? Or what about the piece recently published by a Vice journalist who visited the Playboy mansion?

Well now HBO is giving Vice their own show in which founder Shane Smith and a group of his top correspondents travel the world to visit the scariest and most absurd cultures and situations they can find. Pretty fucking sick, ne?

Check it:



The show premiers on 5th April and you bet your ass I’ll be getting my filthy little mitts on it to let you guys know what it’s like.

Have a killer Thursday. Nearly there Party People.

Nearly there…



A Snapshot Of The Future

jannah-scifiI purposefully didn’t write a post on Steve Jobs last week because while I recognise the fact that he’s a visionary and has had a MAJOR impact on the way we interact with technology, I felt I didn’t know enough about him to be able to write something which you wouldn’t have already read 1 000 times.

Then I came across this video of a 1 year old girl playing with an iPad and, after that, trying to use a magazine in the same way and it really made me stop and think about what our lives have become.

We’re plugged in, every day, all the time. We’re permanently connected in some way or other, whether it’s through your cell phone or the nearest 3G tower. We consume VAST amounts of information, very little of which sticks in our already crowded minds.

Awhile back I started reading “The Singularity Is Near” by futurist Ray Kurzweil, where he puts forward the notion that within the next 40 years, technology will become so advanced and move at such a rapid pace that it will “appear to rupture the fabric of human history.” In other words, we will seize control of our own evolution.



It’s based on the principle of nanotechnology and the theory that eventually we will be able to inject nanobots into our blood streams that will reverse and control aging at a cellular level, speed up our thought processes by doubling the amount of neurons in our brains and basically transform us from biological into nonbiological beings.

If you’re into that shit, you gotta read this interview with Kurzweil that Vice Magazine did, it’ll blow your fucking mind:

And when that happens, this blog site will become wired into your DNA and these words I’m writing will echo inside your brain like I’m sitting right close to you, shooting the breeze.

Kinda like it is already Winking smile

But yeah, until that glorious day, here’s the video of the baby that thinks a magazine is an iPad:



Food for thought right there.

Have a killer weekend, I’ll catch you on Monday for more curazy-pops!



In the forests of Chernobyl…

I watched this Vice Magazine DVD awhile back where the writers went to all these really horrible and fucked up places basically so that they could show the world how bad these places really are so you’d never have to visit them yourself.

“The Vice Guide To Travel” I think it was called.

Anyway, one of the places they visited was Chernobyl where they walked around with a device that measures the radioactivity of the area around you and in most places it wasn’t actually that bad, but then they got a whole bunch of guns and struck out for these woods where the radiation levels are dangerously high to go hunt fucking mutant animals.

Apparently they exist. These animals that somehow survived but are really badly radiated and as a consequence give birth to offspring with hideous birth defects. Mutants basically, but not the cool X-Men kind with rad superpowers, more like the real life kind that haunt your nightmares.

Of course, the Vice crew never finds anything and they just write the whole experience off as a dumb idea and go back to their normal lives.

It didn’t stop me wondering what was in that forest though, slouching through the snow and dead trees. Something that was never meant to exist, some creature twisted and bent, it’s genetics rotten to the core, doomed to live a year or two at most, its natural instincts and intelligence warped into something that was never, ever meant to be.

Something… like this…


