Posts Tagged ‘4chan


iOS7 “Waterproof” Prank Is Hilarious

49674Dunce_CapSay what you like about hackers and people who hang out on “deep web” junkyards like 4chan, but they are nothing if not industrious when it comes to giving the middle finger to the man.

A perfect example of this is the recent “iOS7 Waterproof” scam that people actually believed was true. Basically, a group of pranksters on 4chan put together some very convincing Apple ads saying iOS7 makes your device waterproof.

Looking at the ads the guys put together, I gotta hand it to them, they really went out of their way to make it look legit and predictably, retards the world over have been dunking their iDevices in water with pretty dismal results. Here’s the ad:



How hilarious is that?! I mean c’mon, “smart formalities”? “Thermodistribution”? How dof do you have to be to think that this is actually legit?

My take on stuff like this is simple – if you’re dumb enough to believe something like this, it’s better that you don’t handle devices like smartphones that can potentially ruin your life and the life of others if say you posted what was meant to be a private chat onto a public forum.

So yeah, I dig Project Mayhemmy stuff like this. Next assignment is to pick a fight with a total stranger.

You’d be surprised the lengths people will go to to avoid a fight Winking smile