Archive for the 'Sick Tracks' Category


The Tiger Hits The Boileroom, Mayhem Ensues

WP_20140813_012 It takes a special kind of maniac to decide to strike out alone to a place he’s never been, drink with total strangers in the middle of the week and rock out to bands he only discovered a month ago.

Conventional wisdom would say rather stay at home, put the kettle on and watch Friends reruns but there’s only so much Earl Grey and David Schwimmer a man can take before he loses his fucking mind.

Bands In Town ( mailed me to say DZ Deathray were playing at the Boileroom in Guildford, so I got on the nearest train and, like a creepy public masturbator, went to go lurk at the bar alone.

Thing is though, two beers down the line I’d already befriended the bar people and Will the Sound Guy and while I was chatting to them this legend of a man by the name of Chris straight up invited me to join him and his buddies at their table outside.

How fucking friendly is that?! In an instant I changed from “Lone Guy Who Could Be An Axe Murderer” to “Guy At A Bar With Some Mates… Who Could Be An Axe Murderer”.

The first band up were Bypolar, a three-piece from Surrey who delivered an impressive performance. Frontman and guitarist Ben Lopez took to their setlist like a loose propeller, tearing through a formidable catalogue of post-grunge / hardcore punk / metal tracks like it was nobody’s business.



The man has a great voice and belts out an impressive gravel-toned roar reminiscent of Shaun Morgan from Seether. Drummer Chris Pattison is no slouch either and, together with bassist Steve Pool, builds a rock-solid rhythm section on top of which Lopez delivers his sucker-punch hooks and face-melting solos.

Here’s a recent video the guys shot for the track “Due” to give you a taste of what Bypolar’s serving up:



They ended their set with an insane cover of “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” which simultaneously blew me away and reminded me of just how many powerchords bands in the 90s used to pack into their songs.

I caught up with Ben after the band played and talked shit with him for awhile. He’s a stand up guy, ended up buying me tequila and shooting the breeze about the band and the scene in London.

Word to the wise – keep your eyes peeled for this band. Support them when they gig, give them a listen here ( and follow them on Facebook here.

After Bypolar finished up I grabbed another beer and talked so much shit with my newfound friends that I missed the second band completely, what a dick.

But there wasn’t a way in fuck I was going to miss DZ Deathray. You have to understand how insane these guys are. Take Death From Above 1979, throw in some Blood Red Shoes and add a heavy dose of sheer originality and explosive energy and you’ve got DZ Deathray.

Here, watch this video for their track “Less Out Of Sync”, I’ll let the music speak for itself:



Unfuckingbelievable right?!

To say that DZ Deathray came, saw, and annihilated EVERYTHING would be an understatement. By the second track (which happened to be “Less Out Of Sync” if I remember correctly), a mosh pit had already broken out and guys were losing their fucking minds.



On stage, guitarist and vocalist Shane Parsons wields his axe like a fifth limb, somehow managing to deliver a damn-near perfect performance despite the fact that he’s ricocheting around the stage like a piece of goddamn shrapnel.

Add drummer Simon Ridley’s shotgun-blast bass kicks and tight fills and it’s no wonder the guys in the pit were trying to murder one another.

The guys played an amazing set, building up to my personal favourite, “Gina Works At Hearts”.



Good luck getting that hook out. It felt good to lose my shit completely when the guys launched into that track. Dig those lyrics as well “I can’t buy her dead eyes and her wasted smile”.

There’s a real depth to DZ Deathray’s songwriting, they can do punch-your-teeth out thrash pop / post-punk just as well as they can do more introspective, shoe-gazing tracks like “Northern Lights”.

I caught up with both Simon and Shane over the course of the night and chatted a bit about their upcoming album launch for Black Rats, their second studio album following their 2012 debut Bloodstreams. Really cool guys, surprisingly chilled considering how manic they are onstage.



Simon’s sister Katie actually directed “Less Out Of Sync”, which I was mad impressed by. That is one talented family, no lies.

So yeah, what you need to do now is have a listen to Black Rats here, follow DZ Deathray here and get your ass to The Shackwell Arms on Monday night (18th Aug) for the official album launch because it’s going to be shit-your-pants mad.

All-in-all, I had the best night. Telling Schwimmer to get fucked and throwing the Earl Grey down the sink was the best move I could have made.

Shout out to Soundguy Will for giving me a ride back home. Next time I swing by the Boileroom, first round’s on me big guy!

Tiger out.



Escape Monday: With Alt-J’s New Video

Hunger I know I’ve said it before, but there’s something about this band that resonates deeply inside me. Their songs and videos are incredible, dark and light constantly swirling, caught in an endless tango.

There’s a yearning in their music, a quiet desperation, a caged animal underneath it all gnawing at the bars in the dead of night. I can’t wait to hear their new album because truth is I’m still reeling from the last one.

They released this video a month ago, I watched it in a pub on a sweltering summer day near Waterloo Station. A lot has happened since then, enough that I can empathise with the guy in this video.

Don’t know if you remember the “Karma Police” video, but the end of this reminded me a bit of the end of that video.

Here it is, song’s called “Hunger Of The Pines”:



Take that Monday you fucking fucker.

If I’m going down, I’m taking alla you fuckers with me 😉



Soul Music

maxresdefault2I can’t escape this feeling that somewhere out there there is a band or a person writing and playing music right now that is so fucking good that if I could just find it, if I could just hear one song, it would stay with me for life.

It’s a problem with me. I look out over the cityscape sometimes or I look at pictures of sleepy suburbs or big skyscrapers or even log cabins in the woods, totally isolated and termite-ridden.

I look at those pictures and I wonder if someone somewhere inside one of those buildings or houses or on one of those streets is playing a song that could change my life.

So I dig and dig and dig. I try to find new bands or old bands with new albums and I try to listen to it all and my reward for this obsessive digging is, ironically, a diminishing appreciation and enjoyment of music.

You start to hear the same things a lot. The same chord structures, the same vocal melodies and borrowed sentiments. It’s so bad that in some instances I’ll get an album, listen to 30 seconds of the first track and know, just fucking know, that I will never listen to that album again.

I mean I give it a go because the best albums are the ones you hate at first and then, five listens later you fucking love, but by and large the music I listen to bores the living shit out of me.



The other thing that happens is that the more you listen, the stranger your tastes become to the point where music that melts your face off just gets a confused look out of the people you play it for or they straight up turn it off.

So now that I’ve got that disclaimer out the way, I’m going to throw two songs out there for you kind folks and see what happens (probably nothing).

The first one is off the new Warpaint album (self-titled) that was released in January.

I fucking love what this band is doing. They are a great example of how women are killing it when it comes to creating original and inspiring music at the moment  and you can take that to the fucking bank.

This track is called “Biggy”:



There’s a place out there, it has tents and a log cabin and a gigantic fire pit and it’s surrounded by mountain peaks and forests and it’s called Orange Kloof Tented Camp.

That song reminds me of that place like I’m standing right there again in the midst of the total chaos I created, watching my degenerate friends stagger reeling drunk around the place, falling into the fire, spilling things and smashing glasses, laughing, all the time laughing.

Then there’s this one from Timber Timbre called “This Low Commotion” off their new album Hot Dreams.



Love that fucking song, holy shit. Makes me want to get in a big black Cadillac, drive out into the boiling desert heat and keep driving until there is nothing but road and sky and dust… and quiet…

So yeah. That’s the shit that speaks to me at the moment, right deep down.

Good times.



Pool-Hand Luke

376216_4929118339343_2124206427_nI did a launch in Joburg about two weeks ago, can’t mention the client but to give you an idea, it was for a skincare product that is primarily used by black women.

The beauty tips and secrets I have learned working on this account could fill the beauty pages of every women’s magazine in the country for six months. Never has my skin looked so radiant or felt so gloopy.

Naturally, once the launch was over my inner-savage was gnawing at the bars of his cage for whisky, pool and drug-fuelled rock music to balance out champagne, classy R&B and abundance of pink I’d been exposed to throughout the day.

We went to Jolly Cool, ordered pizzas, smashed a tequila or three and got down to the dirty business of trying to hustle some tables. I randomly challenged these two guys to a game and got my ass handed to me. Twice!

The one guy’s name was Luke. He had a cool story that involved fighting and girls so we got on like a house on fire.

Yesterday he sent me a link to some music he wrote, check it out:



Pretty fucking sick.

The kid has skillz, I’ll give him that Winking smile

Find out more about this pool-playing, charna-dribbing, chick-pulling boych here:

Good times.



Black Keys Kick Out A Friday Jam

20140321-blackkeys-x600-1395439282It ain’t over till it’s over. So fucked up how the world works – you take work home, some fucking brain-meltingly gigantic piece of hell you have to work through and guaranteed, fucking guaranteed, your kid cries all night.

I walked around with my daughter in my arms for an entire fucking hour 12.30am to 1.30am. My shoulder is fucked. You think lifting weights fucks you up? Try just holding an 8kg weight for an hour and we’ll talk.

Anyway, let’s just play this Black Keys track off the new album and try to put it all behind us for a day or two. The Black Keys understand. They got your back home-boi.



Ok, now it’s over.

Go home, get some fucking sleep, you look like shit.



Cults New Video And Single Are What’s Missing From Your Life

Cults Screenshot20110405at11_49_49AMIf you don’t know Cults, it’s time you did something about that. If you asked me what are my top three one-girl-one-guy bands, it would definitely be Blood Red Shoes, The Kills and Cults, hands down.

In close fourth would be The White Stripes, but only because they haven’t put anything out since Icky Thump which is a fucking killer album but that was what, 2007?

Anyway, Cults only have two albums out so far, their self-titled debut from 2011 and Static which dropped a couple weeks back and both albums are really solid. Vintage indie loaded with nostalgia, slick hooks and mesmerising vocals.

Check it. Here’s the amazing black and white video the band shot for the single “High Road”:



I know right? You NEED this album in your life.

Listen to Papa Slick.

He has your best interests at heart.



A Playlist To Sink Your Weekend Teeth Into

Tiger eating meatThere is fucking amazing music being created at the moment, anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea what the hell they’re talking about and you probably shouldn’t hang out with them anymore.

“But where do I find all this cool music Papa Slick?” I hear you ask in desperation. Well, I have my methods but they involve a shit-ton of sifting through music sites and listening to rubbish before I strike gold.

Good news is when that happens, I put all my best finds together into badass playlists like the one that follows below and all you have to do is kick back, click “play” and let the good times roll muthufukkah!

You will find some old favourites with new shit in this list like my buddies The Hives, QOTSA, Nine Inch Nails, Vampire Weekend and Franz Ferdinand but then I’ve thrown some nice fresh stuff in here you’ve never heard before – killer tracks from CHVRCHES, Daughn Gibson, Lord Huron, Howler and a bit of local flavour with PHFAT.

Dig it:


Dark and Light from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


Have a radass weekend boys and girls! See ya’ll on the other side.



Taxi Violence’s New Single Lands, Melts Faces

BrainmashIt’s no secret that I think Taxi Violence is one of SA’s most talented and badass bands currently playing, just read my review of their last album here and my write up of their Synergy 2011 performance here.

There’s just something about this band that connects with my deep, dark, whisky-drinking soul y’know? The desert / southern rock / blues influence definitely has something to do with it, that shit really speaks to me.

So I was pretty stoked to find out that they’re about to drop a new album in July called Soul Shake which you can bet your ass I’ll be reviewing here on the site soon as I can get my filthy mitts on it.

In the meantime though, here’s their first single “Brainmash” which I can almost guarantee you’ll be humming for the rest of today.

My pleasure Winking smile



Pretty flippin’ sick ne?

Fok ja.



I Love You Nick Cave

tumblr_m5e6dy8FdP1rwh240o1_400Seriously, I fucking love you man. And no, I’m not writing this in some deranged, sleep deprived state like the last post. If anything, I’m a thousand times the man I was when I banged that one out.

Sure, I’m operating on four hours sleep as I write this and I dragged myself through a gym session that would kill a man half my age, but you have to understand, when Nick Cave releases a new album, my world is complete.

In fact, if you go back through all the posts on this crazy junkyard site, you’ll find this post I wrote about Nick Cave, it was the second post I ever wrote on the site, it has a grand total of 13 views.

I have a lot of respect for Nick Cave because he is a poet, a musician, a storyteller and published author, a screenwriter, an actor, and above all that, a man who I strongly suspect is out of his fucking mind.



I mean fuck! The guy writes an entire album about MURDER (Murder Ballads) that is literally dripping in blood, tragedy and macabre humour and then a year later releases an album of quiet, toned-down, mostly piano-based songs (The Boatman’s Call) that are some of the most strikingly beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard.

I fucking love Nick Cave. I love his anger and his vitriol, his hatred and his spite. I love his benevolence and his grace, his wisdom, his humour, his compassion and his understanding.

I love that he can be all of these things, that he can contain such powerful opposing forces within himself without them literally tearing him apart from the inside though God knows they came close.

His new album Push The Sky Away lands on Sunday. Here’s the video for the first single, “Jubilee Street”.

Be careful though. There are boobs in this video.




I love you Nick Cave, you beautiful basterd.



Rock’s Sexiest Voice Belongs to Aja From Nico Vega

tumblr_lvnoqlce2W1qhek23o1_500I tweeted this video yesterday evening, but it’s go fucking intense I figured I’d put it up on the site as well. It’s from 2010 so my internet standards it’s pretty ancient, but wow. It gave me goosebumps.

The band is Nico Vega and the track’s called “Fe Fi Fo Fum”. If you don’t know this band, you need to get into their debut, self titled album right now before the follow-up lands later this year.

Truth be told, the guitar and drum parts in this song are both a little average, but frontlady Aja Volkman’s vocals are so fucking intense the hairs on the back of my neck stood up watching this.

Check it:



Swear to God. I cannot actually fucking handle this woman’s vocals.

The way she builds the song, right from her first word, you just know she’s getting ready to unleash all hell and when it happens, she does it with so much passion, so much raw emotion that my blood went ice cold listening to it.

I think it’s really cool how unafraid she is. And yeah, she looks like a total crackpot, but in every interview I’ve watched with her she actually comes across as a pretty together person.

A little wild, but hey.

Since when is that a crime? Winking smile