A good buddy of mine flew in from Scotland this past weekend, goes by the name of Ricky T.
He’s one of the oldest friends I have (we go back nearly twenty years) and the man has impeccable taste in music so if he recommends a band, I’m on it like white on rice.
So when he told me to check out Blood Red Shoes I bought both their albums straight up and man! You gotta hit the “read full post†link to hear this band…
I guess you’d call it underground alternative/punk with a nice grungey flavour. It’s definitely not indie, which is a refreshing change from most bands these days that all seem to play some variation of that genre. Vocal duties are shared between frontlady and guitarist Laura-Mary Carter and drummer Steven Ansell who pretty much make up the band.

What’s seriously impressive is the fact that Carter’s jams are tastier than she is which is saying a lot because a) just look at her, she’s a total hottie! And b) a girl?!? Playing guitar?!?
Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that girls can play the guitar (sort of), but not like this. The things this lady can do with an axe turn my legs to jelly. It’s beautiful, really, it’s like watching Cinderella punch a swan.
To perfectly demonstrate what I’m talking about, here’s a track called “Heartsink†off their second album Fire like This for you to sink your teeth into.
Just fucking dig that crunchy, blunt-force tone in the chorous, FUCK YEAH! BEEYATIFUL!
Go get both their albums right now, Box Of Secrets and Fire Like This and don’t thank me.
Thank Ricky T