Posts Tagged ‘les claypool


Primus Back From The Grave, Literally

altthumb.phpI’ve said it before on this site, it’s not a very popular view but I don’t give a rat’s ass, I fucking love Primus.

It’s probably not a very popular view because of two simple reasons: 1) No one knows who they are and b) if they do, they can’t handle how intensely batshit crazy their music is.

Take the best bass guitarist you’ve ever heard in your life and feed him a bucketload of mind-bending drugs and you’ve got Les Claypool, the driving force behind this band and the man slapping the shit out of the bass guitar in the track I’m about to play you.

Though the video for “Lee Van Cleef” just dropped, the new album, Green Naugahyde has been out since September last year.

Check it:



Zombies and the Old West, fuck yeah.

Here’s more, this one’s called “Tragedy’s A’ Comin’”, also off the new album. It has sick dancing, tight jams and the fucking coolest lobster suit I’ve ever seen.



Catchy. I dig how tragedy comes riding in on a horse wearing a spacesuit.

That’s some pretty deep sheeit right there if you stop and think about it.

Are you stopping and thinking about it? Neither am I.

All I’m thinking is DAMN I want that lobster suit.



Karma Police Like You’ve Never Heard It

karma-policeFor quite a long while back in highschool, “Karma Police” was the soundtrack of my angst-ridden early teenage years.

In fact, OK Computer was my go-to album if I was feeling happy (“Subterranean Homesick Alien”) , sad (“Exit Music For A Film”), wistful (“Let Down”), lonely (“Karma Police”), lost (“No Surprises”), angry (“Electioneering”) or lucky (“Lucky”).

It’s a masterpiece of songwriting and its tracks have no doubt been covered time and time and time again, but have they been covered by one man on a six string bass guitar? (Starts slow, but just wait for the part he starts shredding his bass – too awesome).



Poetry I tells ya.

He’s still not the best bass guitarist I’ve ever heard though. That dubious honour goes to my main man Les Claypool, bassist, singer and frontman of Primus, who could eat that last guy for breakfast.

Case in point: the song “Professor Nutbutter’s House of Treats”. [Disclaimer: This song will make you lose your mind if you listen to the whole thing. Feel free to kill it after 3 minutes].



Now THAT’S how you play a bass guitar.