
New Black Keys Album Has Landed!

The-Black-Keys-El-CaminoTechnically it actually landed yesterday, but being a laggard, your Tiger pal only got his claws in it as of 15 minutes ago.

If “Lonely Boy”, the first single off their new album El Camino is anything to go by, this album could very well top all the others I’ve heard this year and claim the coveted prize of The Tiger’s Best Album of 2011.

That would make The Black Keys the first band to EVER top my favourite album list two years running.

So far I’m 8 tracks in and I’m gonna be straight up honest here and say I like what I’m hearing Winking smile 

You can’t go wrong with The Black Keys. Such a great band.

Here’s their video for “Lonely Boy”. I have memorised this entire dance, but I don’t do it in public anymore. Too many people’s heads kept EXPLODINGWITHAWESOME!



Expect a full album review next week. First one your Tiger pal’s done in a good long while (bad Tiger).


1 Response to “New Black Keys Album Has Landed!”

  1. 1 Seerower
    December 8, 2011 at 3:16 am

    I am glad that The Black Keys didn’t crawl up their stylised asses (see: Radio Head) after Brothers. El Camino feels better put together than their previous albums and it sounds even better than Brothers. The most exciting thing for me is that I hear an evolution in their sound and I get the feeling that it’s only going to get better.

    If you like The Black Keys then keep an eye out at your local news agent for the June 2011 issue of Mojo magazine. It has a compilation CD put together by The Black Keys called “Brotherhood” (the CD sleeve looks like the cover of Brothers). It’s good music.

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