Dedicated readers of this site will know that Steri and Slicky-T go waaaaaaayyyy back to a time before this blog (or ANY blogs for that matter) even existed.
Back then, I used to be able to gulp down an ice cold strawberry Steri in record time, a feat which won me the coveted title of “Champion Strawberry Steri Speed Drinker, Gauteng Regionâ€.
People speculated that I did it for the fame, the glory. They said I was just showing off, but the cold, hard truth was that I did it because I was trying to raise awareness for a vital cause – there isn’t enough Steri in a stumpie, there never has been… until now.
A gigantic crate was delivered to your Tiger pal this morning, and when I opened it up, a heavenly light shone forth, reflected in a million tiny mirrors from the disco ball that hung from the inside of the crate.

Steri Stumpie had done the impossible – the had delivered an entire launch party in a crate, complete with a red velvet rope, a hostess and a milk bar where they were serving (sit down for this next bit) 1 LITRE STERI STUMPIE!
It seems all my campaigning has finally paid off! As of today, the 1 Litre Steri will officially become a part of our lives so that no more will we klap a stumpie and wish we had more.
Keep it in your fridge even! Top up on delicious ice cold Steri whenever the urge strikes you. Take it to the beach! Throw a few in a cooler box and impress friends and relatives! Take it on a hike! Nothing better than an ice cold Steri after a hard day’s climb, your muscles will love the protein!

Sky’s the limit here people! Hell, you could even fill a bathtub with the stuff and have a Steri bath! Who hasn’t ever dreamed of doing that?!
Well done Steri and everyone involved. Both the Gigantic Crate Of Awesome and the new 1 litre Steris are a stroke of pure genius.
Keep on keepin’ on 😉