Posts Tagged ‘puppy love


Saturday On The Farm

It’s not all bad. I know I wrote that post about how living here is hellish, but it has it’s moments.

We took these pics today when we got back from spending the afternoon on the beach.

Good times 😉





I guess sometimes the shitty things make you forget the good ones.

That’s the lesson today kids. Remember to always remember that when you take a step back to appreciate it, your life is pretty damn amazing.



SlickTiger Industries Presents: TigerTV

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, ghouls and fiends WELCOME to TigerTV.

I couldn’t have done ANY of this without the help of my good friends Supa Dan, Judd Zuckle, Mike Van Barmann and Hardcore Iain The Slain Barbarian.

This is the first of many, many more short film projects to come. If you wanna get involved, email

I can pay you in meatballs and internet notoriety.

Please enjoy the PSA we shot to raise awareness about an issue close to my heart.



Have a killer weekend guys!