Posts Tagged ‘weird japanese shit


A Video That Can Actually Top The Last One I Posted On The “What-The-Fuck-o-meter”

wackIf you guys caught the last music video I posted for Jamie Lenman and were actually able to sit through the thrash metal part at the beginning, then you have a better than average chance of handling this next one.

Fair warning though, it comes from Japan – home of the world’s weirdest shit since the term “weird shit” was first invented (probably by the Japanese).

Bizarrely these guys actually sound a bit like System Of A Down if everyone in the band decided to go on a 10 day meth binge interspersed with liquid LSD down-down competitions. The internet is indeed a wonderful place.

Are ya ready kids? Introducing Thheee Maximuummm Hoooooorrrrrrmmmmmmoooooonnnnnneeeeee!



I actually have no idea what to follow that video up with. What do you say to someone you’ve just made watch a video like that?

Yeah. Exactly.