Posts Tagged ‘mfm


Interview With A Tiger

CopaseticA good friend and fellow blogger, Miss Copasetic, decided to be a total badass last week and do an interview with your Tiger pal, which rates right up there with the MFM interview I did as one of my favourite interviews of all time.

What made it sick was she chose a song that she felt best encapsulated the essence of the Tiger and then posted the interview interspliced with the lyrics.

She fucking hit the nail right on the head by choosing the “Going Out West” cover by Queens Of The Stone Age, a song close to my big ol’ back heart. Hit the link below for the full interview.

Great job for clicking the “Read More” link! Here’s the interview and a picture of boobs as a reward.



Good times I tell ya.

Good times.



Congratulations! 1 x Mind-Blowing Orgasm Coming Your Way

If you had to ask me what I believe in, I don’t really know what I’d say. Organised religion seems really contrived and, let’s be honest, is pretty boring and preachy most of the time.

I do think there’s some kind of bigger, karmic system we’re a part of though, which is why I’ve decided to appeal to whatever Gods may be to reward anyone who visits this site today with a mind-blowing orgasm.



The beauty of a karmic gift of this nature is you can enjoy it by yourself or with (consenting) others, but just make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, make-a-funny-cum-face, roll-over-and-go-to-sleep kind of orgasm.

This is the kind that will definitely wake the neighbours and possibly even the dead.

You’re welcome. I was just feeling really generous and in a great mood cause I got interviewed on radio this morning, Maties FM to be precise, the Stellenbosch University campus station.

What’s that you say? You’re suicidally depressed because you missed the interview? Cheer up buddy ‘ol pal, once I get WordPress to do what I fucking paid $19.97 for it to do, you’ll be able to hear it.

Enjoy the orgasm 😉