Posts Tagged ‘slicktiger interview


Interview With A Tiger

CopaseticA good friend and fellow blogger, Miss Copasetic, decided to be a total badass last week and do an interview with your Tiger pal, which rates right up there with the MFM interview I did as one of my favourite interviews of all time.

What made it sick was she chose a song that she felt best encapsulated the essence of the Tiger and then posted the interview interspliced with the lyrics.

She fucking hit the nail right on the head by choosing the “Going Out West” cover by Queens Of The Stone Age, a song close to my big ol’ back heart. Hit the link below for the full interview.

Great job for clicking the “Read More” link! Here’s the interview and a picture of boobs as a reward.



Good times I tell ya.

Good times.



The SlickTiger Interview On MFM

Stop the motherfucking press motherfuckers! I actually managed to get my dirty paws on the interview that took place last week on Wednesday on MFM (Maties FM, the Stellenbosch University campus station) because literally hundreds of thousands of people emailed, skyped, smsed and shouted at me on busy street corners because they so badly wanted to hear it.


So yeah, I did you guys all the favour of painstakingly breaking into the MFM offices in the dead of night and stealing about 3 days worth of back-recordings that I had to listen to, which was like chewing glass, to eventually find this little gem of an interview.

Enjoy guys. Something tells me you’re gonna love the shit outta this 😉