Posts Tagged ‘street art


Escape Monday: Awesome Pieces Of Street Art

28-Imaginative-Examples-Of-Creative-Street-Art-20Blink and the entire weekend is over before it began. Crazy how quickly weekends go by, how soon we find ourselves back here, back at our laptops getting bombarded by emails once again.

It’s nice to imagine people who don’t have to endure the same office-bound existence that we do. I take comfort in the thought that there are free spirits out there, running amok, doing all the crazy shit I can’t.

Graffiti is an expression of that kind of freedom. In a perfect world, graffiti artists would be contracted by cities to cover ugly public buildings with bright-coloured images and thought-provoking  pieces of art like the ones you’re about to see.

In Tiger City, this is what the world would look like:

























Dig that last one. I woulda made the houses brown though…



Escape Monday: Luminescent Tape Art

ingenious-creative-cubes-from-neon-tape-by-aakash-nihalani-20I’m a little sceptical of this one, I must be honest. The dealy-o here is that this Brooklyn based artist (Aakash Nihalani) sticks luminescent tape to stuff to create the art you are about to see.

What you’ll also see though are photos that I am almost 100% certain are photoshopped up the wazoo. The end result is still really cool though, but there’s no way he could have created these scenes with luminescent tape.

There’s a video I’ve also posted below that shows how he does this but only watch it if you really feel like killing time at work because it’s literally just a guy sticking luminescent tape on stuff.
















Rad, ne?

Here’s the vid which explains nothing:



At what point in your life do you think to yourself “Luminescent tape! Fuck! That’s it! I’m gonna stick that shit all over stuff in 3D geometric shapes!”

Sorry. I’m just in a crappy mood because I haven’t had my first cuppa Joe yet.

Lemme get on that…