Archive for August 14th, 2013


I Have A Daughter And She Is A Badass

I will write more soon, I promise. For the time being, I’m just treading water, trying to figure it all out and trying to get my head around the fact that as of 1.17pm on Monday, I became a father.

I will say two things though. Firstly, J-Rab is a champion. She is the strongest woman I’ve ever known and has sailed through everything just like I knew she would. Because of her I will never look at women the same way again. They are miraculous beings, anyone who thinks differently is not a person you should waste your time with.

Secondly, my daughter is a badass. World, meet The Cub, and yes, she could very well be flipping you the bird – she’s trying to sleep here ok? The paparazzi can take a hike.



More to follow. Thank you all for the good vibes, congratulations and well-wishes, you guys are incredible, I’d hug every last one of you if I could but that hug would be so gigantic I’d need a football field to get it right.

Later Party People Winking smile