The internet is like an infinite onion. There are layers under layers under layers of so much content with so much more being added that to even consume 1% of that would probably take you a lifetime.
And yet people who use the internet every day tend to stick to a handful of popular sites and that’s all they see. Me, I like to dig a little deeper every now and then and am almost never disappointed by what I find.
The music video you’re about to see is the reason why I will never EVER be a mainstream blogger. I just find utter shit like this hilarious.
This guy calls himself Bobby Conn and if there was an award for creepiest / worst breakup song of all time, he’d win it hands down.
If you can last the full 5:49, seek immediate psychiatric help.
Yoh. What the actual fuck was that?!
So very bad it actually defies explanation. That’s like the Troll 2 of songs right there.
Have a killer weekend Party People
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