Archive for April 3rd, 2012


Half Arsed-a Chef Episode 2, Slick NAILS An Epic High 5

HAC#2The second episode of Nomu Half Arsed-a Chef has landed and holy balls, not only does your pal Slicky-T NAIL some sick dance moves, but also the most epic high five ever filmed.

In this episode we make “Gumboot Puree”, ie. we cram a bunch of tomatoes into a gumboot and squish the tomatoes into puree with our bare feet.

What they don’t show in this video is the fact that the judges tasted all the resulting puree, which is either very brave or very, very stupid. The jury’s still out on that one…

Big Daddy Savage (@lifeissavage) and Angel (@YesReallyAngel) deserve a special mention as well for their inspiring “Black Swanesque” ballet routine which was cut brutally short in the final edit.

Rich Hardiman (@RichardHardiman) also melted faces with some impressive freestyling whilst pouring all manner of shit into The Hot One’s (@monsters_closet) gumboots for their unique, beer-flavoured puree.

Deeeeelicious 😉



Did you catch that epic high five? See the way the girls fluffed it completely before Slicky-T stepped in their to save it?

Yeah, that’s because they let the excitement get to them and DIDN’T WATCH THE ELBOW!

Always watch the elbow. That is your lesson for the day.

Tune in next week for more Nomu Half Arsed-a Chef awesomeness.



I Have Game Of Thrones Envy

game-of-thrones-character-posters-05I know that it’s out there and it’s driving me fucking crazy.

I’ve purposefully avoided watching any trailers or reading anything even remotely related to Game Of Thrones S2 because I don’t want to ruin anything but now it’s out, season two kicked off officially on Sunday, and GODDAMN I want me some o’ that!

But then again, do I? Because you know how it goes – you crawl over your own dead mother to get your hands on the season premier, but then have to wait a whole other week for the next episode, lame!

Isn’t that why we started ripping series off TV in the first place? To be able to line up 10 episodes at a time, no ad breaks, no torturous cliff-hangers, and then smash them all in one go?



No, I’m gonna be cool about this one. I’m not going to let my Game Of Thrones envy fuck this up for me, I’m just going to wait for the episodes of season 2 to magically find their way to me like they always do and if it takes a month then so be it.

Then I’m going to line up 5 or 6 of them, wait for a rainy day, put on my dressing gown, close the curtains, throw a duvet on the couch, plug a hard drive into the TV, make a big pot of steaming hot gluhwein, and completely forget about life for the afternoon.

Until then, I’ll be engaging in the internet equivalent of jamming my fingers in my ears and singing “lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala” every time I see anything mentioning Game Of Thrones anywhere.

Until then here’s a teaser for season two that I haven’t watched.



How rad was that?! WAIT DON’T TELL ME!