I’m sure by now a lot of you crazy kids have already seen the new Heineken “Switch†ad, which features possibly the raddest bar I’ve ever seen in my life.
For those of you who haven’t, the video is posted below. For those that have, I have only one question – why the hell did they decide to include an Amy Winehouse look-a-like in the ad?
Last time I checked, Amy shuffled off this mortal coil nearly two years ago, why resurrect her for the sake of a beer ad? Bad Heineken. But the part with the piano guy at the end of the ad saved it for me.
Like I mentioned earlier this week, posting’s been a little thin in these parts recently, nothing nice and meaty to sink your teeth into.
I’m up to my eyeballs in work at the moment so I can’t really afford to spend more than 30mins on a post but we’ll get through this.
We just gotta tough it out and remember what doesn’t kill you just hurts like shit.
Have a killer weekend party people
Do you know who the Amy winehouse clone is? I like her voice better!
You bet your ass, her name is Clairy Browne (from Clairy Browne and the Bangin’ Rackettes.
you are crazy. amy is a billion times better than this wanna-be. when she has won a billion grammies had multiple albums go platinum many times over, and sell out concerts all over the world let me know..wow
Again, thanks Regina. I can tell from your IP address that this is you, great job.
And you call us idiots.
can u tell me the name of the song on the heineken commercial with amy winehouse lookalike?
Does the Pope shit in the woods? The song’s called “Baby Caught The Bus” (Clairy Browne and the Rackettes).
Bada bang!
Actually, the song is called Love Letter. The album is called Baby Caught The Bus.
amy winehouse is awesome. one of the greatest talents of this generation. to want to copy her is understandable. you are an idiot. it’s not a fail at all. what have you done with your life to call copying amy a fail? and no that girl doesnt have a better voice than amy. wow i was happier before i knew you idiots existed
Great comment,thanks Regina. We can all sleep a little safer tonight knowing you fought so vehemently for peoples rights to imitate the artists they love in beer commercials.
Don’t be surprised if the next Nobel peace prize goes to you for your humanitarian efforts in this field.
Just be sure to please remove the stick from your vagina as you’re going onstage to collect it though, as it could make mounting the steps to the podium a little awkward.
She “shuffled off this mortal coil” just barely a year ago. So it’s in even worse taste. I couldn’t believe it the first time I saw that commercial. I think it overshadows the product :/
Thank you! Finally someone making some damn sense around here.
Come back any time Lynee 😉
i,personaly,cannot stand this commercial!horrible! the girl’s hideous! “just be you……b/c trying to look like someone else isnt working for ya!” amy was a one of a kind,for sure! this poser,worst vocals ive ever heard….just sayin. first time i saw the ad,i was sooooo put off,but not b/c i thought it was her,but because someone actually thought that ad would be goodfor buissness. btw….heinekin,suuuuuxxxxxxxxxx!
The ad is a triumph, a brilliant nicely executed concept. I had no idea the short-form version on cable was pulled from this magnificent TRT 1:30!
There’s so much clever and truly funny stuff there, especially at the end, with the piano player is holding on to the handles, as the dust from the floorboards rains down upon him! When he fastened his seat-belt on the piano bench, I wondered if he was telegraphing something and, oh yes, he was!
As for the Amy-parody knock-off “haters,” they are really missing the point; however, we all see a different spot and filter the content through our quite-different brains.
Remember, folks, it’s all about selling beer and our buzz here? Music to the client’s ears!