
SlickTiger Has Got The Balls To KLAP The daREDevil Race Boet!

IMG_2179-500x0Okes, lemme just tell you one thing straight that are flippin’ important so switch VLEISBOEK and Twitters off for a minute and listen up!

When OKES was crehated, the genius ou what did it was like, “Yussus! This thing what I have crehated is pretty flippin schweet but ja… something’s not quite right…”

And that ou were right. Something was not quite right. And then the ou realised that this crehation of his, even though it was lank kief, was missing a flippin’ VITAL ingredient when it came to KLAPPING IT and looking flippin’ TIT – BALLS!

The SECOND the crehater guy put the balls on, his crehation came to life and INSTANTLY pumped out FIFTY one-arm pushups and then banged two blonde belters without even breaking a sweat ma charn!

That ou, I like to call him OU1, was the original KLAP GYM BOYCHIE, a picture of him what I have found below, and with the help of not only two, but like flippin’ HUNDREDS of blonde belters, he crehated our entire SPIESIES and gave every ou the magical power of BALLS!



Think about your balls oke! When times are tough and you got no friends because the roids make you keeping wanting to kill the ous because they are always borrowing your spray tan and finishing it, what have you got left?


When you’re approaching a GODDESS at Avastar Nightclub with a flippin schweet cocktail because you know THE TRICK and she kicks you in the GROIN for asking her and her blonde belter friend if they wanna come back to your place and BANG, what hurts so flippin much you think you’re dying?




And ous, when you’re bored in the gym after your fifth set of 220kilo deadlift and you need something to fiddle with while you think of the next set to KLAP what do you always reach for?


Your balls okes, are LANK IMPORTANT. And this is why I’m wearing nothing but a bright red speedo that makes me look TIT and running with a buncha sweaty, BUFF CHARNAS through the city in Cape Town today as part of the daREDevil Race.

The ous what organise it do it because they flippin’ LOVE men’s balls so much and realise the power they give a oke to KLAP IT and look flippin’ TIT!



The ous also flippin LOVE your prostrate BOET! And unlike this one time when I was competing in a WHO’S THE MASSIVEST competition and a other oke was like “Jassis Slicky-T! Are you feeling ok boet? Your prostrates flippin huge man!” and I was like, “Um, ja I feel ok hey?” and he was like, “No boet. I’ve got some KY jelly, come to my changeroom oke, lemme just give you a quick test” and I was like “Shot boet!” and then… ja… and then… umm… nevermind…

But ja, like I was saying – unlike that time, these days you can just get your prostrates checked by a simple prick of a needle ma boedie! How schweet is that?!

So here’s the important bit okes. Because I’ve been klapping it so hard this week I’ve left this to the last minutes, but if you have too, it’s all schweet boet, you can register here and be a part of TEAM TIGER:


Run the daREDevil Race 2012 with the BUFFEST OKE IN THE LAND and let’s KLAP CANCER right in the flippin’ BALLS, BOET!

See you BUFF CHARNAS there!


7 Responses to “SlickTiger Has Got The Balls To KLAP The daREDevil Race Boet!”

  1. 1 Lofty
    November 2, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    Jus Slicky-T mah borchay! I was looking for more guides to klapping it on your site while I smash another buff protein shake or ten into my face at work, found this instead. Leaving for the Joburg run as soon as my crehatine kicks me in my balls.

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