Archive for January 14th, 2013


Escape Monday: The World’s Most Surreal Places (Part Dos)

main-qimg-0068b231ea35173e9f15c7d533e462caI try to keep my promises here at SlickTiger Industries headquarters, which means when I say I’m going to post more insane pics of the World’s Most Surreal Places, I make that shit happen.

You’d be forgiven for thinking these pics had been digitally manipulated in some way because the places you are about to see are seriously that bizarre / staggeringly beautiful.

Just so we’re all above board and I don’t get sued for rampant plagiarism, these images and all the ones in the previous post are from this site ( Next week we’re going to take things to the next level and check out surreal man-made places.













And here comes my personal favourite. Like something straight outta Doctor Seuss:



What a crazy beautiful world we live in.



Escape Monday: The World’s Most Surreal Places (Part Un)

main-qimg-dd3d436b932d652eb4455c4c667db0eaIt’s Monday again and you are sad. On the way to work this morning you were all like “Ugh. This place again.” It will get better as the week goes on, but for now the outlook is a little bleak.

So you’re hitting up this motherflippin SICK site because you know your Tiger pal has your back when it comes to Mondays and today is a PRIME example of just that.

Hold my hand. We are going to take a magical trip to the world’s most surreal natural places to reaffirm how amazing the planet we live on is, restore your faith in the world and give you a couple of ideas of where to spend your next holiday.















Huh. Not sure if I feel better about it being Monday, or worse because WHY THE FUCK AM I SITTING HERE WITH ALL THOSE COOL PLACES OUT THERE I COULD BE AT RIGHT NOW!

More at lunchtime. Watch this space mofos.