Archive for August, 2012


Are You Prone To Epilepsy? Take This Short Test To Find Out!

EpilepsyI’m pretty sure if you did an academic study, you’d find that there has never been a time in human history where being epileptic has sucked worse than right now.

Everyday we are bombarded with flashing lights, rapidly-changing images, flickering screens and a whole array of potentially volatile visual stimuli that could trigger an epileptic fit.

While I’ve never seen someone have an epileptic fit, if it’s anything as scary as this one guy who had a seizure during an exam at varsity this one time because he’d been up all night schnarfing ritalin, then it’s not something you want to happen to you ever in your life.

The best way to prevent a possible fit is to know your status. Thanks to the wonder of the internet, you can find that out by simply clicking this link right here, and by shaking your mouse cursor like someone on the tail end of a 5-day coffee binge.



I must warn you though, I’m not epileptic but after a minute of furious mouse-shaking my work colleagues found me twitching uncontrollably on the floor with my eyes rolled back in my head.

Admittedly, this could be because it had been four hours since my last drink, but it usually takes at least seven for the twitching to get to that intensity, so I really don’t know what to make of it at all.

All I can say is make sure you have some tongue-depressors handy before you click that link and don’t for god’s sake do it alone.

Yours in epilepsy-status awareness,



Oh My Dayum! Watching This Video WILL Change Your Life

DayumI know I say it on a weekly basis but I fucking love the internet. I honestly don’t think I could live without it – life would be too boring to handle.

The great thing about it is just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any funnier, someone steps up to the plate and smacks a piece of fall-off-your-chair-laughing content right out the park.

My favourite internet memes at the moment are auto-tuned African-Americans from the projects breaking it down in soulful R&B remixes of legit news interviews. As far as I know, Antoine Dodson was the first, followed by Sweet Brown.

Now there’s a new auto-tuned internet superstar – my main man Daym Drops who’s hilarious review of a burger and fries, originally filmed in his car has been turned into an even more hilarious song by the guys who originally auto-tuned Antoine (Schmoyoho).

Here’s the original video. It’s a bit lengthy, but totally worth watching. Probably don’t do it if you’re hungry though because holy sheeit, this man knows how to sell a tasty burger.



Did you have any idea they made people that awesome?! It’s like he was hand-crafted for internet superstardom by God himself. Mesmerising I tells ya…

And now, for your Friday viewing / listening pleasure, here’s the remix:



Look at. The bacon.


And then watch that video again, it gets better every time Winking smile

Have a killer weekend party people.



The Trippiest Movies Ever Made

Trippy sheeitI’m a sucker for movie scenes that are uncomfortably trippy. The kind where you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that whoever wrote them was either very, very high on drugs or batshit crazy.

I like them because there is so much safe material out there that I start craving something, anything, that pushes the boundaries.

What you’re about to see is three and a half minutes of exactly that. Scenes that could be straight out of a dream / nightmare / drug induced hallucination of brain-melting proportions. So fire up the bong and let’s get to it shall we?



In case you were wandering, here’s a list of all those movies so you can rent them and never be the same ever again.

Films (in order of appearance):

The Trip (1967, Roger Corman),
Head (1968, Bob Rafelson),
Glaze of Cathexis
(1990, Stan Brakhage),
Allegro Non Troppo (1976, Bruno Bozzetto),
Natural Born Killers (1994, Oliver Stone),
(1940, Armstrong, Algar, et. al),
2001: A Space Odyssey
(1968, Stanley Kubrick),
Viva La Muerte
(1971, Fernando Arrabal),
The Holy Mountain
(1973, Alejandro Jodorowsky),
(1970, Donald Cammell and Nicholas Roeg),
(1983, David Cronenberg),
Dark City
(1998, Alex Proyas),
Belle De Jour
(1967, Luis Buñuel),
(1977, David Lynch),
El Topo
(1970, Alejandro Jodorowsky),
Tetsouro, the Iron Man
(1989, Shin’ya Tsukamoto),
Inland Empire
(2006, David Lynch),
Dead Alive
(1992, Peter Jackson),
Waking Life
(2001, Richard Linklater),
(2004, Adam McKay),
Mulholland Dr.
(2001, David Lynch),
Un Chien Andalou
(1929, Luis Buñuel),
Requiem for a Dream
(2000, Darren Aronofsky),
Lost Highway
(1997, David Lynch),
(1998, Darren Aronofsky),
Easy Rider
(1969, Dennis Hopper),
The Big Lebowski
(1998, Joel Coen),
Naked Lunch
(1991, David Cronenberg),
(1968, Otto Preminger),
Being John Malkovich
(1999, Spike Jonze).



Matthew Mole WIns The Get Out Of The Garage Competition

matthew-mole-photo-get-out-of-the-garageLadies and Gentlemen, the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage Competition” has officially come to an end and the winner, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, is Matthew Mole!

Matthew will play at London’s 100 Club on Oxford Street, which has seen some EPIC acts take to the stage in the 70 years it’s been open.

I have to be completely frank at this point and say that though there’s no denying Matthew has a lot of talent and heart and is a great song-writer, he wasn’t my first choice to win it.

Still though, congrats to the guy. He blew everyone out of the water with his track “You And Your Crown” which goes a little something.

Like this:



I think it’s a pretty rad little ditty, but it’s no secret that my favourites to win this were The Kiffness.

I mean Matthew is cool and all, but does he have a track that can stand up to “Ra Ba Do Ba Day”?



Exactly. I rest my case.

Just try get that song out of your mind. Impossible.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get my greasy mitts on a few songs from Matthew’s set when he plays next month to share with you crazy cats.

Until then, well done Matthew, go kick some ass over there and come back with a fat recording contract and some belter groupies.

Atta boy Winking smile



Nokia Lumia 900 First Impressions

nokia-lumia-900A couple of months ago I wrote a series of reviews about the Nokia 800 which, if you want to kill a good 20 mins, you can read here, here, here and here.

I quickly became inhumanly attached to the Lumia 800 and at the end of the review period, I felt like I was losing a limb when I had to return it.

So when the kind folks at Nokia contacted me about reviewing the Lumia 900, I jumped at the opportunity to sink my teeth into this new addition to the Nokia Windows Phone family.

This review is just going to touch on my first impressions setting up and using the phone, I’ll get into more detail over the next few weeks.

The first thing that struck me about the Lumia 900 is how impressively huge it is.



If you compare the phone size wise to the Lumia 800, the Lumia 900 is 127.8 x 68.5mm where as the Lumia 800 is 116.5 x 61.2mm. So the Lumia 900 is basically a centimetre taller and half a centimetre wider than its predecessor.

Doesn’t sound like much, but have a look at the two in a side-by-side comparison and the difference is massive.



It’s a far cry from a Galaxy Note, but I must admit when I first saw how much bigger it is compared to the Lumia 800, I thought they may have taken things a bit far.

However, after a couple of days of use I quickly got used to the increased screen size and found that it makes things like browsing (which was an issue with me on the Lumia 800) and basic menu and app navigation pretty slick.

Also, viewing pictures and videos is a whole other experience with this phone. The 480 x 800 pixel screen means images are crisp and clear and the few experiments I’ve done so far with streaming video from YouTube have produced some impressive results thanks to the device’s download speeds which are nearly 2x faster than the Lumia 800.



There are a shiteload of similarities between the Lumia 800 and the Lumia 900 though so a lot of the stuff I covered in my Lumia 800 review will apply to the Lumia 900, but the longer I use this phone, the more subtle differences I pick up.

At this stage, I’d say that the Lumia 900 is more suited for people who want a smart phone that browses like a demon, handles multimedia content with ease and streamlines all your email and social media accounts so that communicating with your contacts as easy as falling off a piece of cake.

I’ll post more thoughts on this phone next week, but needless to say my initial impression has been very positive, but let’s see how the Lumia 900 holds up once I start seeing what this bad boy is really capable of.



Awesome Fainting Supercut

FaintingIt’s not every day that a video on the interwebs makes me laugh out loud, but holy shit, I was trying to talk to my dad whilst watching the video I’m gonna show you and it just wasn’t happening.

I had to stop playing it eventually because my dad thought I had full-on lost my mind.

You will full on lose your mind too though because fainting is funny. One minute you’re totally fine, going about your life and the next you lose consciousness completely and face-plant on national television. Or in the middle of a church service. The church ones are the best.



Happy Tuesday boys and girls Winking smile



Slicky-T Tries His Hand At Glitch Art

bruegI was dicking around on the interwebs yesterday when I found this pretty interesting video about Glitch Art, which up until yesterday I knew pretty much nothing about.

Turns out it’s a whole artistic movement based around a process called “databending”, which is basically the artistic misuse of digital information (props to stALLIO for that one).

Something about the philosophy of Glitch really struck a chord while I was watching the video I’ve pasted below because Glitch is basically a gigantic fuck you to the airbrushed, synthesised, photoshopped aesthetic that gets shoved down our throats every minute of every day.

I’d only ever heard of Glitch as a sub-genre of electro, but never as a fully-realised artistic movement. Here’s the video I dug up that explains what it is and how it’s done:



I did some reading up on different databending methods, and tried my hand at it with some random sample images on my laptop.

I used the “wordpad” method to bend the following images and got some pretty radass results.

Here’s the pic I chose pre-bending:



And here’s what it looked like after I climbed in there and fucked shit up:



Stoked with the results I decided to repeat the experiment with some more sample pics.

Like this one of some penguins having a laugh:



Which I smooshed up into this:



And my personal favourite, a cuddly koala:



That I effortlessly turned into something that I’m pretty sure I saw at the end of a three-day acid binge.



I tried a few other images but soon got bored. The problem with the wordpad method is that it’s dead simple to do and the results are completely random so I’m not sure whether or not it can really be called “art”.

If you want to try this, all you have to do is get a .bmp file (if the image you want to use is a different format, just open it in Paint and save it as a .bmp file), open it in Wordpad and hit save.

To do that, hit the Windows key and type “Wordpad” in the “search programs and files” field. Open Wordpad, click the drop down file menu (top left), click “Open” and make sure you change the file format from “All Wordpad Documents” to “All Documents *.*”

Find your BMP file, open it, hit save, close Wordpad, open your new BMP file and hey presto! What was once a KLAP GYM BOYCHAY…



Turns into M-Net after Open Time ends.



I guess the art in wordpad databending is trying it with as many different images as possible until you get something awesome because a lot of the time the databend leaves you with an image that just looks like TV static.

If any of you crazy cats know other databending methods that yield better results, please feel free to let me know.

I also want to give audio and video glitching a try, will post the results if I get it right.



Google Proves Humans Are Hilariously Stupid

StupidHaircutsI know you guys have probably already read at least five blog posts that show the hilarious results of Google’s search suggestions but seriously, these ones take the cake.

Because I’m an honest thief, I don’t mind telling you guys that I stole these shamelessly from Bored Panda (go have a look, great way to kill 30 mins).

Having read these, all I can say is DAMN! Humans are DUMB, really DUMB, for real. Some of my favourites include “why are mexicans so perverted”, “i am extremely terrified of chinese people”, “is it healthy to eat boogers” and the classic “why do i have green poop”.













So there ya have it folks. Friday lolz from your Tiger pal.

See ya’ll next week. The weekend’s beckoning bitches and it’s high time I got my drink AWN!



The 3 Survivor Seasons They Would Never Make But Totally Should

Jeff Probst Tribal Council SurvivorJ-Rab and I are hopelessly addicted to Survivor. There, I’ve said it. Judge me all you like, but holy balls that show is addictive.

We know people who know people and get us all the Survivor seasons before SA gets them (SABC 3 is about to wrap up S20, in the States they’re about to start S25).

Then we curl up to watch an entire season in two or three nights, one episode after the next until it’s finished, like two junkies mainlining reality TV, which is how I got to thinking about the kinds of Survivor seasons I’d make if I were in charge.

On SA TV we’ve been watching Survivor: Heroes vs Villians which, to my knowledge, is the first time Survivor has grouped people into tribes based on their perceived moral characteristics.

In a later season they group people into tribes of old people vs young people and men vs women, both of which make for pretty entertaining TV, but let’s be honest, it’s high time they put a twisted fucker in the driving seat to take things to the next level and I think I have just the guy for the job…



At least half the people they put on Survivor definitely spend the months leading up to the show hitting the gym like a buncha maniacs so that they look pretty schweet when they get on the show hey boet?

But once in awhile, you get contestants who could definitely stand to lose a bit of weight. I say why stop there? Let’s get some people who are 10 meals ahead and 5 shits behind on the show. Some people who are seriously fighting anorexia and kicking it’s ASS.

Then on the other team, we pack it full of monster KLAP GYM okes and belters, dripping with spray tan and pumped so full of roids they are dangerously close to full on heart attacks at any minute.



The two teams compete as per usual, but if you get voted out, you get sent to Starvation Island where all there is is a treadmill and some rice cakes to keep you going.

Watch the ultimate irony as all the BUFF OKES muscle starts turning to fat and all the fat peoples fat just gets burned off.

Who will Outwit, Outplay, Outlast the others when there’s no pie / dangerous anabolic steroids to keep them going?


This one sounds like it would be completely one-sided right from the get go, but anyone who’s actually watched the show will tell you straight that retards get ridiculously far in the game of survivor, as they do in the game of LIFE.



Sit back in the comfort of your home and watch while the Genius tribe bickers endlessly about the nature of existence and personal identity and the necessity of constructing sea water to fresh water solar converters from coconut husks and palm fronds.

Meanwhile, back at Retard camp, nobody has fire or even a shelter that works, but the retards have discovered that if they bury each other in the sand every evening, they can stay warm and dry (sort of).

Laugh your ass off as the two tribes merge and the Retards band together, only to forget who it was they were supposed to vote for while the Geniuses out-think things so hectically that they crumble into self-doubt and paranoia and end up voting themselves off in a misguided attempt to take the moral high-ground and flat out refuse to play the game.



The most hotly contested and controversial of any Survivor series ever, Survivor: Blacks vs Whites sees racism taken to a whole other level as the gloves come off between African Americans and Caucasians.

Watch everything generations of liberals have fought for come crashing down as racial stereotypes are enforced in a desperate struggle for the million.

In keeping with human history,  on day one the Black tribe makes its way to it’s ghetto beach where a deluge of trash keeps washing up on their shores and homeless people come at night to steal their food, while the White tribe takes residence in their ocean-front colonial estate.



The Blacks win in the end though, because no matter how much the Whites scramble, they fail hopelessly at one challenge after the next and end up going to the merge with only two members left.

Realising they were being total jerks all along, the remaining Whites offer up their colonial beach-front property to the Blacks who accept it willingly and then vote the whites off anyway.

With no Whites left in the game, the Blacks make and break alliances so regularly that rioting breaks out at tribal councils, causing most of the tribal councils to be disbanded.

Eventually the season comes to a dramatic finale when two out of the final three turn up dead in the jungle, leaving only one person eligible for the million, which actually turns out to be just over $200 000 (the Whites ended up spending most of it on the general upkeep and maintenance of their beach-front property).



And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I’ll never be allowed to produce a reality TV series.




SlickTiger Industries Presents: Project Whisk(e)y

whisky-glass I must’ve been about three the first time I tasted whisky. My mom’s tipple of choice every evening was a J&B and soda, which she would sip intermittently as she made supper.

One night she made the mistake of leaving her whisky and soda on her bedside table while she was reading, so naturally 3 year-old SlickTiger walked in and drank it.

I thought I’d been poisoned. The whisky burned like petrol going down and I turned to my mom with this look of abject horror on my face, as if to say, “You drink this?!” She explained that whisky was a grown-ups drink that my grandfather loved and that one day I might love too.

“Whatevs, yo,” I remember thinking as I staggered off to bed to pass out, “that stuff tastes like hell.”



For the next 15 odd years the smell of my mom’s nightly J&B and soda sent a shiver down my spine and though she’d often ask me to make her one, I was never tempted to sneak a sip.

It was only really in varsity that I started consuming whisky in vast quantities, but my god, the stuff we used to slam back in those days was more suited to cleaning engine parts than actually drinking.

First Watch was a favourite because it was cheap and got the job done. Bell’s was my go-to drink when I was out, always on the rocks because I thought it made me look like  a badass.

Two Keys and Three Ships were also regulars, as was Black Douglas and Teacher’s. My two buddies Graum and Van Barman were also partial to some wizzo from time to time, and so when it was one of our birthdays, the other two would chip in for a bottle of what we thought was the height of whisky sophistication and taste – Jack Daniels.



It’s laughable how naive we all were back then. In a way it was a great introduction to whisky for me because having tasted those whiskies, I had a great idea of what entry-level blended whisky tasted like.

I continued in a similar vein after varsity, drinking cheap whisky for kicks, completely ignorant of the world I was barely scratching the surface of.

My formal education in whisky started when I was 24. We’d won the Whisky Live Festival as a client and so I started working on the PR and communication for the festival.

To get us all up to speed when it came to whisky, my company at the time arranged a whisky tasting at our offices which I attended with eager anticipation as it was my first real introduction into the world of single malt whisky.



We tasted five different whiskies as part of the tasting, each one of which laid claim to a host of different flavours like “pear drops”, “cinnamom”, “honey”, “fresh-cut grass” and “peat” to name a few.

To say I was thoroughly disappointed would be a total understatement. To my untrained palette, the whiskies we sampled tasted like “whisky”, “whisky”, “whisky” and “whisky” respectively.

What a load, I remember thinking. Whoever markets this stuff is a genius to get everyone thinking that this stuff is so exceptional. Whisky is whisky. I like it, but I’m hardly about to drop more than R300 on a bottle of it if this is what the good stuff tastes like.

By my estimate, I’ve done another 6 whisky tastings since then, both when I used to work on the Whisky Live Festival and in subsequent years when I worked on Bell’s, Bushmills Irish Whisky, Johnnie Walker and, ironically, J&B.

I always quote Winston Churchill when trying to explain how my love of whisky evolved because when asked about his love of whisky, Churchill famously said, “The water was not fit to drink. To make it more palatable, we had to add whisky. By diligent effort, I learned to like it.”



A perfect explanation because by diligent effort, I learned to like whisky too.

It started with Bushmills Irish Whiskey. In that time-honoured Irish spirit I discovered a whiskey was was easy on the palette, friendly, approachable and easy to appreciate.

From there I started branching out to smokier, peatier whiskies. The Singleton of Dufftown became a firm favourite, as did Talisker 10 y/o, Johnnie Walker Black Label and Highland Park.

I’ve made mention of my love of whisky on this site before, but never felt comfortable diving into that deep, bottomless amber pool while I still worked on whisky brands because it would throw my integrity into question.

Sadly, my days of working in the whisky industry ended when I left my previous job, but the plus side is that I can now blog about whisky until the cows stagger home, drunk as sailors on shore leave.



And so, the major stake-holders and board members of SlickTiger Industries met last week and came to the conclusion that from now on, whisky reviews will become a feature on this site.

So batten the hatches party people, by the time I’m done with you crazy kids, you’ll be hardened whisky experts who can not only hold your own whenever someone starts mouthing off about whisky, but will also (hopefully) share in my love for the greatest spirit ever distilled.

Project Whisk(e)y starts today.
